3 Levels/ 3 Rooms: Beg, Beg/Int & Intermediate
When: Sunday May 11 12-4pm
Please review criteria to see which level is suited for you.

Beginner Level This level is for students with zero to little experience and its open to everyone. In 4 Hours, the bootcamp will cover the entire beginner level 1 syllabus from OC Salsa Teaching system (9 Bachata steps and 10 dancing techniques) starting with the basic step. As the classes advances you will learn right and left turns, forward and back basics, shadow, cradles and more!By the 4th hour you will learn how to put everything together. You will learn how to lead, follow, how to dance on beat and have fun. No partner needed! We rotate students who come by themselves (99% of the students come without a partner). Couples welcomed (rotation not mandatory)
Beginner/Intermediate Level This level is for students who ares starting to social dance. This Students are more comfortable leading and following all fundamental moves, and are starting to be more comfortable dancing to music.
Intermediate Level is for those who are more familiar with social dance experience (6monnths-1year) .Intermediate level tends to stay on beat most of the time and are comfortable with lead and follow.
REMEMBER: Beg/ Intermediate and Intermediate Level moves at a speed suited to the requirements and the instructor will maintain speed and content to maintain the quality suited to the majority. For that purpose the instructor will start the class with warm up moves from the level bellow (beg/ intermediate will warm up to beginner dance moves, and Int will warm up to beg/int level moves)
IMPORTANT: The bootcamp focus heavily on technique (how to dance) and content. Each instructor teaches the concepts based on their expertise and interpretation on those subject so students can benefit the most.
PRICE: $49 Pre Paid, $69 at the Door for walk ins, FREE for Monthly Members. Once Pre Paid your name will be registered at the door. Just come in, mention your name the day of the event, bring your receipt and ID and that’s it! 100% REFUNDS IN THE CASE OF EVENT CANCELATION. NO REFUNDS/ NO DATE TRANSFERS FOR NO SHOWS OR CANCELLING AFTER PAYMENT. If you can’t attend the event, you can transfer the credit to someone else (Family or friend) and send us the name. Thank you for understanding.
OUR Bootcamp format will include current and former World Bachata Champions.

Room 1 Beginner Bachata Sensual
12pm Basic Step, Tap Step, Side Tap, Quarter turn, how to lead and follow and listen to the music. w/ Isabelle Henry
1pm Forward and back basics, Left and right turns, Spot Turn w/ Isabelle Henry
2pm Forward Backs half turns, Leads half turns w/ Isabelle Henry
3pm Review of all steps ad how to out them together. w/ Isabelle Henry

Room 2 Beg/Intermediate Bachata Sensual
12pm Body movement for Bachata. How to move your hips and Torso JOEL GOMEZ
1pm How to do Body Rolls in Bachata VERA TINOCO
2pm Lead and Follow technique and connection in close position HEATHER SPRAGUE
3pm Bachata Musicality Footwork ad Dominican style LUIS ALBERTO

Room 3 Intermediate Bachata Sensual
12pm Bachata Sensual, Reverse Body Rolls and head roll movement VERA TINOCO
1pm Bachata Sensual body movement manipulations JOEL GOMEZ
2pm Intermediate Bachata hand tosses, throws and combinations LUIS ALBERTO
3pm Safe Dips and accents for Bachata HEATHER SPARGUE
Problems paying online? PAY VEMO @ESTEBANCONDE (0412) Title 4 HOUR BACHATA BOOT CAMP. Once paid your name will be at the door.
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OC Salsa Invites you to our 4 Hour Bachata Boot Camp ” Learn How to Bachata in one Day” for Beginners, PLUS Beginner/Intermediate Level & Intermediate Level. 3 Classes, in 3 Separate rooms w/ 9 Amazing Teachers. FREE FOR OC SALSA MONTHLY MEMBERS (you can sign up for membership @ NO PARTER NEEDED.
Beginner Level will cover basic steps & turns for those w/ zero or little experience
Beginner/Intermediate Level is for those who know the basic steps and turns and are ready for more.
Intermediate Level class is for tose who mastered the basics, timing, turns and techniques and combinations and are ready for more.
This 4 hour class will also have a COMPLIMENTARY 3 1/2 hour Dance Social from 9:30m-1am at OC Salsa 2980 Mcclintock Way, Costa Mesa, so you can dance and practice what you had just learned. All You have to do is show the wrist band you received at bootcamp. ($15 Value).
No Partner, special shoes, clothing or experience needed. For those coming for the first time, you can truly learn how to dance the basics in 1 Day.
When: SATURDAY November 12 11am-3pm
Where: Cafe Sevilla, 1870 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa (Top Flor), Free Parking
Price: $49 Pre Paid, $69 at the Door. Once Pre Paid your name will be registered at the door. Just come in, mention your name the day of the event and that’s it! 100% REFUNDS ONLY IN THE CASE OF EVENT CANCELATION. NO REFUNDS FOR NO SHOWS OR CANCELLING AFTER PAYMENT. Thank you for understanding .
Problems paying online? You can also send payment VENMO @EstebanConde (949-813-0412) Title 4 HOUR BACHATA BOOT CAMP. Once paid your name will be at the door.Description:
11am Basic Right & Left Turns 12pm Hammerlock & Shadow Turns 1pm Back and forth Basic and Turns 2pm Sexy hair combs and fun moves.BEGINNER /INTERMEDIATE LEVEL BACHATA
11am How to move your Hips & Torso for Bachata. How to Dance From the Torso ARTHUR & XIU 12pm Intro into Syncopated Partnerwork (dominican Style) ARTHUR & XIU 1pm Fun Partnerwork w/ Arm Styling VERA TINOCO 2pm- Easy Dips and Accent Moves for Bachata VERA TINOCOINTERMEDIATE LEVEL BACHATA William & Eden
11am How to Lead and Follow Body Rolls & Head Rolls 12pm Dominican Bachata Partner Work 1pm Bachata Sensual Essentials part 1 2pm Bachata Sensual Essentials part 2Cafe Sevilla will also be open for drinks and food. Come for the dance, stay for the yummy food! Sevilla is a 5 star restaurant establishment
Problems paying online? You can also send payment VENMO @EstebanConde (949-813-0412) Title 4 HOUR BACHATA BOOT CAMP. Once paid your name will be at the door.