OC Salsa

Book Group Class


7pm Merengue All Lvls, 

7pm-8pm Practice Studio Space

8pm Cumbia Beg Lvl

9pm Cumbia Int Lvl


6:30pm CUMBIA Beg Lvl 

7:30pm BACHATA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl

 8:30pm SALSA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl


4 Hour Salsa Bootcamp at OC Salsa Dance Studio in Fountain Valley

 7pm  SALSA Shines & Footwork Adv Lvl 

 8pm SALSA Partner work Adv Lvl 

9pm BACHATA Adv Lvl 


7:30pm BACHATA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl

8:30pm SALSA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl



 7PM CUMBIA Beg & Int Lvl  ENDS JAN 31 2025

7pm-8pm Practice Studio Space ENDS JAN 31 2025

8pm BACHATA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl

9pm SALSA Beg 1, Beg 2 & Int Lvl

10pm  PRACTICE PARTY Everyone Welcome

General Info

No dance partner Needed. Most people come by themselves and we rotate students so everyone can learn and dance together. No experience needed. Our Beginner lessons starts with the basics steps and fundamentals, geared towards those who never danced before. No preregistration required. Just come 15 minutes prior to class to check in. You will be welcomed by a friendly atmosphere. Guaranteed! No special shoes or special clothing needed. Just come ready to dance and have fun!

Our lessons gives students plenty of time to learn, have fun and make tons of new friends in a  fun and Friendly atmosphere. 

At OC Salsa we use a syllabus system of learning. All steps are categorized as Beg 1, Beg 2 or Intermediate. As students learn and improve they can evaluate to join a higher level Class where steps from the previous levels are reviewed while learning new steps and techniques. 

 Evaluations are 10 minutes lessons 1 on 1 with a professional instructors booked Tues & Thurs from 9pm-10pm based on instructors availability, first come first serve format. Click here to see EVALUATION CRITERIA 

Book 4 Hour Bootcamp

Sunday February 9 12-4pm
4 HOUR SALSA BOOTCAMP. No Partner Needed

In these 4 hours you will learn how to Dance Cumbia Sonidera!

at OC Salsa 16131 Harbor, Fountain Valley

No Partner Needed. Experience Required for students level Beg2-Adv 

DETAILS: In 4 hours beginners will learn all the fun moves and turns for SALSA.. Super fun ad friendly @ Room 1, while Room 2 (Beg/Int) and Room 3 (Intermediate) will be for more experienced students

NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFER OF DATE IN CASE YOU DON’T SHOW. 100% REFUNDS IN CASE OF EVENT CANCELATION. Once paid your name will be at the door. Just bring your ID & Receipt and that’s it. QUESTIONS TEXT 949-813-041

Room 1 Beginner Salsa

12pm Basic Step, Side Basic,  Right Turns Man & ladies , how to listen to the music. 

1pm  Cross Body Lead 

2pm Side Pass & Under The Bridge  

3pm Putting everything together 

-ALL BEG CLASSES W/ Instructor Isabelle Henry


Room 2 Beg/Intermediate Salsa

12pm Musicality ELENA LA CANDELA


2pm Lead and Follow Techniques HENRY SALAZAR & ANGELA TARALLO

3Pm Fun Combinations & Moves MARCELO RIVERO

Room 3 Intermediate Salsa

12pm Double turns using different frames (arm positions), Balance technique for turns  VINCE TORRES & ANGELA TARALLO

1pm Accent moves, Dips & Tricks ELENA LA CANDELA

2pm 360 & Copa Steps techniques MARCELO RIVERO

3pm Mastering cross by leads w/ Inside Turns and Variations HENRY SALAZAR & ANGELA TARALLO

Sunday MARCH 9 2025 12-4pm
4 HOUR SALSA BOOTCAMP. No Partner Needed

This is the 4 hour class makes OC Salsa unique. In these 4 hours we cover all fundamental steps from our Beginner 1 Salsa Program for  Salsa @ Room 1

at OC Salsa 16131 Harbor, Fountain Valley

No Partner or experience needed. You will learn at an easy pace, the basic steps, how to listen to the music, how to lead and follow, hadn’t connection, and the fun Salsa  moves. No Partner needed.  Super fun! 90% of this class are students who come for the first time without as partner, so we rotate everyone. Those who wish to not rotate can remain dancing together (couples). Pre register online and save! BEGINNER LEVEL @ ROOM 1 BEG/INT @ Room2 & INTERMEDIATE @ Room 3

NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFER OF DATE IN CASE YOU DON’T SHOW. 100% REFUNDS IN CASE OF EVENT CANCELATION. Once paid your name will be at the door. Just bring your ID & Receipt and that’s it. QUESTIONS TEXT 949-813-041`2

Room 1 Beginner Salsa

12pm Basic Step, Side Basic,  Right Turns Man & ladies , how to listen to the music. 

1pm  Cross Body Lead 

2pm Side Pass & Under The Bridge  

3pm Putting everything together 

-ALL BEG CLASSES W/ Instructor Isabelle Henry


Room 2 Beg/Intermediate Salsa

12pm How to connect and create variations w/ Cross Body Lead inside and outside turns for smooth flow VERA TINOCO

1pm Balance and techniques for right and left turns in place and traveling turns JHESUS APONTE ANGELA TARALLO

2pm Moves Combinations w emphasis on Techniques for better leading and following HEATHER SPRAGUE

3pm- How to recognize on 1 on any song + Awesome fun moves for Beg/Int Level ZWELLI BURTON & ANGELA TARALLO

Room 3 Intermediate Salsa

12pm Shines, how to go in an out of footwork JHESUS APONTE & ANGELA TARALLO

 1pm How to smooth ad assertive lead and how to light follow for spins VERA TINOCO

12pm Musicality, how to read hits and interpret the music ZWELLI BURTON & ANGELA TARALLO

3pm Body Movement while partner dancing HEATHER SPRAGUE

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